Client: Nonn’s, a home finishings retailer based in Southern Wisconsin.
Goal: Create a recruitment campaign that entices individuals around Southern Wisconsin to apply for various jobs that Nonn’s offers.
Target Audience: Individuals in Southern Wisconsin who are interested in a new job.
Strategy: Embrace the idea of “endless opportunities”. This became the brand messaging which means endless opportunity for job growth, endless environments to work in, and of course, endless positions to apply for. The idea here was to not use corporate language and create your standard job description. Instead, the messaging and language used in this campaign hammered down on qualities of a job that people with specific skill-sets actually care for.
For example, while being a Showroom Coordinator might seem like a basic customer service job, it actually is the perfect opportunity for someone eager to get into the interior design field to start their career and get their feet wet. In that job description, I went into detail about not only the basics of being a Showroom Coordinator, but rather the aspects that correlate directly with their interest of career growth.
Outcome: Overall recruitment messaging that transcended across social media, web, and digital ads, but also re-written job descriptions and search ads.
Tangible Results: Increase in job applicants across both the Madison and Milwaukee markets.